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How to Change the Taskbar Size in Windows 11

On previous builds of Windows 11, you could adjust the size of the icons in the Taskbar.

However, the latest builds do not offer such options. If you don’t like the default taskbar size or screen resolution, here’s how to change it.

Change Taskbar Size By Editing Registry

Changing the Taskbar size on Windows 11 requires editing the Registry file. So, make sure to backup the registry before making any changes.

1. Open the Registry Editor on your Windows 11 PC. To open it, press Windows Key + R, type regedit and press Enter.


2. When the Registry Editor opens, navigate to this path.


navigate to this pathnavigate to this path

3. Right click on space in the right pane. Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

New > DWORD (32-bit)New > DWORD (32-bit)

4. Name this new value as TaskbarSi.

5. Double click the TaskbarSi value and set its data to one of the following:

  • 0: if you want smaller taskbar icons.
  • 1: for medium icon size (default)
  • 2: for larger size taskbar icons.

set its data to one of the followingset its data to one of the following

6. Once done, click Ok to save the Changes.

7. To apply the changes, restart your PC or restart Windows Explorer from the Task Manager.

2. Adjust the Display Scaling & Resolution

If you don’t want to modify the Registry file, you can adjust the display scaling and resolution. While this isn’t an appropriate solution, it works well.

1. Right click anywhere on your desktop and select Display settings.

Display settingsDisplay settings

2. On the right side, click the Scale drop-down. You need to reduce the scale percentage to 100%. This will shrink your taskbar icon.

reduce the scale percentagereduce the scale percentage

3. Next, click the Display Resolution drop down. Increasing the resolution will make taskbar elements smaller.

Display ResolutionDisplay Resolution

4. To increase Taskbar icons’ size, you need to decrease the resolution.

These are the two best ways to change taskbar size in Windows 11. If you need more help in this topic, let us know in the comments. Also, if you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends.



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