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Find clothing & accessories celebs wear in movies easily!

With film being such a vital outlet and marketing tool for fashion, movie stars are either wearing the coolest and latest threads, or retro looks that are sure to make a comeback. I regularly see a cool jacket or pair of sneakers being worn by an actor in a movie I’m watching, and I just know those items would look great on me.

While you may not have your own costume designer or fashion purchaser, it is still possible to look as good as your favorite movie star by finding the clothes and accessories they sport in their movies—all you need is TheTake.

TheTake is a free application in the iOS App Store that can provide you with not only the clothing and accessories you’ve seen in movies, but also particular locations and other miscellaneous products, like phones, seen on screen.

Users can browse trending items, movies, and actors in order to track down items. If a certain product isn’t an exact match, the app will provide you with a “close match” to that product.

Once you’re satisfied, save the product or tap “Get it” (unless it’s sold out) and you’ll be directed to the website selling the desired item. Try it out, and start looking like your favorite movie star.

Just updated your iPhone? You’ll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what’s new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.


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